Gastrointestinal Illness (N.L.V causing vomiting and diarrhea) is caused by a common worldwide virus, which is easily transmitted from person to person. Hence it is more prevalent in areas of many people such as schools, hospitals and CRUISE SHIPS! The media has often referred to it as the “cruise ship disease” as if it’s a virus carefully nurtured on board to spring on the guests 2 days into their trip!!
At the start of each trip (ie Rio, Buenos Aires and again Rio for us) the ship takes extra precautions, including suspending “help yourself” for all self service food for 48 hours. Also there are hand sanitizer, and hand washing machines everywhere.
Well all had been fine, self-service had resumed after the change over in Rio (reduces the waits at peak breakfast time!) and then …… a new passenger that boarded in Rio had the dreaded disease! Rather than informing the ship’s doctor (as it’s been drilled into us to do), his wife dutifully ran round the ship, getting his food - and spreading the virus! By that night there were 12 cases (including, we found out, the cabin next to us!!) – surely that’s a reason for an upgrade??
So now we are on “CODE RED”. Self service suspended and even the captain was serving behind the pastry counter at breakfast time to try and reduce the lines! – Charlotte laughs as at lunchtime crew from the spa and Casino were also serving behind the self-service counters! We see much more vigorous cleaning going on (its already spotless!) and definite disinfectant smells by the cabins!
The hot tubs have been taken out of operation, and for a short time also the pool. The virus lasts 48 hours so hopefully we should all be back to normal again soon.