Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chao Argentina! - March 1st 2011

Just under 6 weeks after arriving, we said Chao to Argentina.  We had had a great time and now it was time to move on to Brazil.

The last day was very hectic.... a late, delayed flight from Ushuaia to Buenos Aires on Monday night, another change around of bags at 1am in the hotel (leaving 2 bags in storage to pick up when we pass again on the cruise!) and then the alarm set for 6.15am, to give us time for breakfast, finish repacking and leave at 8am for a 10am flight to Rio.

I woke up, it was 8.30am!!!!!!! Jimmy and Charlotte still fast asleep
Panic, screaming, within less than 10 minutes we were in a taxi to the airport! (in rush hour!!) Touch and go but we made the flight!! (which then sat for 1.5 hours in the tarmac!) We changed planes in Uruguay - fortunately they held the flight for us (and the flight after us...) - Delays seem to be a common occurrence down south!

By the end of the day we had checked into our hotel on Copacabana Beach Rio.  We are here for 3 days before heading onto the cruise ship.  Carnival is due to start in a few days (the most famous in the world).